Sparse Set

SparseSet is Shipyard's default storage. This chapter explains the basics of how it works, the actual implementation is more optimized both in term of speed and memory.


To understand how Shipyard uses sparse sets, we must first understand how sparse sets work. A basic sparse set is a data structure for storing integers. It is comprised of two arrays: sparse and dense.

To insert an integer i, we first set the next available slot in the dense array to i, and then set sparse[i] to the position of i in the dense array. Let's walk through an example.

We start off with an empty sparse set:

  • Sparse Array: []
  • Dense Array: []

To add 3 to our sparse set, we first append it to dense and then set sparse[3] to 0 (the position of 3 in dense):

  • Sparse Array: [U, U, 0]
  • Dense Array: [3] U is short for uninitialised.

If we then add 0, the sparse set will look like so:

  • Sparse Array: [1, U, 0]
  • Dense Array: [3, 0]

Searching a sparse set is O(1). To check if the integer i exists we check whether dense[sparse[i]] == i. For example, to look up 3 in our example sparse set, we should first check sparse[check]. sparse[check] is equal to 0 and so next we check dense[0]. Since dense[0] == 3 we can say that 3 is in our example sparse set.


So far, we've only seen how sparse sets can store integers. However, Shipyard has to store both entity IDs (basically just integers) and components, requiring us to use a slightly more complicated data structure. Shipyard makes two major changes to the traditional sparse set described above.

Firstly, Shipyard sparse sets are actually composed of three arrays: sparse, dense, and data. dense stores the entity IDs, whereas data contains the actual components of the entities. dense and data are linked: their lengths are always the same. data[i] is the component for the entity with the ID located at dense[i]. Whenever dense changes, so does data.

Secondly, Shipyard uses multiple sparse sets, one for each type of component. The dense array in each sparse set contains the EntityIds of the entities that have that component.

Let's walk through an example:

struct FirstComponent(pub u32);

struct SecondComponent(pub u32);

let mut world = World::new();

let entity_id_0 = world.add_entity((FirstComponent(322),));
let entity_id_1 = world.add_entity((SecondComponent(17),));
let entity_id_2 = world.add_entity((FirstComponent(5050), SecondComponent(3154)));
let entity_id_3 = world.add_entity((FirstComponent(958),));

For this example we will assume that the entity IDs are in order i.e. entity_id_0 == 0, entity_id_1 == 1, etc.

The world data will now be stored in two sparse sets, one for each component:

    sparse: [0, U, 1, 2]
    dense:  [0, 2, 3]
    data:   [FirstComponent(322), FirstComponent(5050), FirstComponent(958)]

    sparse: [U, 0, 1]
    dense:  [1, 2]
    data:   [SecondComponent(17), SecondComponent(3154)]

U is short for uninitialised.


To iterate over a single sparse set, we can simply iterate over the data array. However, Shipyard also lets us iterate over multiple sparse sets.

To iterate over multiple sparse sets, we first pick the shortest set (comparing the lengths of the dense arrays) and then iterate over the dense array of the shortest set. For each entity ID, we check whether all the other sparse sets contain it, and if they do, we yield the entity ID in the iterator.

Let's walk through an example with the sparse set we defined above:

let (firsts, seconds) = world
	.borrow::<(View<FirstComponent>, View<SecondComponent>)>()

for (first, second) in (&firsts, &seconds).iter() {
	// Do some stuff

We first check which has the shortest dense set. The SecondComponent sparse set does, so we begin iterating over its dense array.

The first entity ID is 1. Since we are iterating over SecondComponent, we already know that entity 1 has a SecondComponent; we just need to check if the entity has a FirstComponent. As described above, to check whether an entity has a component, we have to check if dense[sparse[id]] == id in the sparse set of the component. sparse[1] in SparseSet<FirstComponent> is uninitialised and so we know that entity 1 does not have a FirstComponent.

The next entity that contains a SecondComponent is 2. However, this time, sparse[2] in SparseSet<FirstComponent> is equal to 1 and dense[1] is equal to 2, which means that entity 2 has a FirstComponent meaning we can yield it in the iterator.

After iterating over all the items in the SecondComponent sparse set, we are done.


Removing is done by swap removing from both dense and data and updating sparse in consequence.

Continuing the previous example if we call:


The internal representation now looks like this:

sparse: [U, U, 0, 1]
dense: [2, 3]
data: [FirstComponent(5050), FirstComponent(958)]

dense and data shifted to the left, the first element in sparse is now uninitialised, and the indexes at sparse[2] and sparse[3] were updated.

Additional Resources

This blog post goes into more detail on sparse sets and compares them with archetypes, another common way of representing data in ECS libraries. The blog post is part of a larger series about the design and internals of ECS systems.