
Systems are a great way to organize code.
A function with views as arguments is all you need.

Here's an example:

fn create_ints(mut entities: EntitiesViewMut, mut u32s: ViewMut<u32>) {
    // -- snip --

We have a system, let's run it!

let world = World::new();;

It also works with closures.

Passing Data to Systems

The first argument doesn't have to be a view, you can pass any data, even references.

fn in_acid(season: Season, positions: View<Position>, mut healths: ViewMut<Health>) {
    // -- snip --

let world = World::new();

world.run_with_data(in_acid, Season::Spring).unwrap();

We call run_with_data instead of run when we want to pass data to a system.

If you want to pass multiple variables, you can use a tuple.

fn in_acid(
    (season, precipitation): (Season, Precipitation),
    positions: View<Position>,
    mut healths: ViewMut<Health>,
) {
    // -- snip --

let world = World::new();

    .run_with_data(in_acid, (Season::Spring, Precipitation(0.1)))


A workload is a named group of systems.

fn create_ints(mut entities: EntitiesViewMut, mut u32s: ViewMut<u32>) {
    // -- snip --

fn delete_ints(mut u32s: ViewMut<u32>) {
    // -- snip --

let world = World::new();

Workload::builder("Int cycle")

world.run_workload("Int cycle").unwrap();

Workloads are stored in the World, ready to be run again and again.
They don't take up much memory so even if you make a few with similar systems it's not a problem.

Workloads will run their systems first to last or at the same time when possible. We call this outer-parallelism, you can learn more about it in this chapter.

Workload Nesting

You can also add a workload to another and build your execution logic brick by brick.

struct Dead<T>(core::marker::PhantomData<T>);

fn increment(mut u32s: ViewMut<u32>) {
    for mut i in (&mut u32s).iter() {
        *i += 1;

fn flag_deleted_u32s(u32s: View<u32>, mut deads: ViewMut<Dead<u32>>) {
    for (id, i) in u32s.iter().with_id() {
        if *i > 100 {
            deads.add_component_unchecked(id, Dead(core::marker::PhantomData));

fn clear_deleted_u32s(mut all_storages: AllStoragesViewMut) {

let world = World::new();

Workload::builder("Filter u32")

    .with_workload("Filter u32")


Congratulations, you made it to the end of the fundamentals!
The next section will take you under the hood to learn how to get the most out of Shipyard.