Add Components

An entity can have any number of components but only one in each storage.
Adding another component of the same type will replace the existing one.


let mut world = World::new();

let id = world.add_entity(());

world.add_component(id, (0u32,));
world.add_component(id, (0u32, 1usize));

⚠️ We have to use a single element tuple (T,) to add a single component.


You'll notice that we use EntitiesView and not EntitiesViewMut to add components.
The entities storage is only used to check if the EntityId is alive.
We could of course use EntitiesViewMut, but exclusive access is not necessary.

If you don't need or want to check if the entity is alive, you can use the AddComponent::add_component_unchecked.

let world = World::new();

let id = world
    .add_entity((), ());

let (entities, mut u32s, mut usizes) = world
    .borrow::<(EntitiesView, ViewMut<u32>, ViewMut<usize>)>()

entities.add_component(id, &mut u32s, 0);
entities.add_component(id, (&mut u32s, &mut usizes), (0, 1));
u32s.add_component_unchecked(id, 0);