!Send and !Sync Components

World can store !Send and/or !Sync components once the thread_local feature is set but they come with limitations:

  • !Send storages can only be added in World's thread.
  • Send + !Sync components can only be accessed from one thread at a time.
  • !Send + Sync components can only be accessed immutably from other threads.
  • !Send + !Sync components can only be accessed in the thread they were added in.

These storages are accessed with NonSend, NonSync and NonSendSync, for example:

struct RcU32(Rc<u32>);
struct RcUSIZE(Rc<usize>);

fn run(rcs_usize: NonSendSync<View<RcUSIZE>>, rc_u32: NonSendSync<UniqueView<RcU32>>) {}