Welcome to Shipyard!

Shipyard is an Entity Component System focused on usability and flexibility.

ECS is a great way to organize logic and data:

  1. Elegant approach for humans
    • Composition over inheritance
    • Separation of concerns
    • Less burdened by lifetimes
  2. Optimal design for computers
    • Spatial locality
    • Less pointer chasing

However, programming with an ECS requires thinking about data and logic in a different way than you might be used to.

How does it work?

Components hold data. Entities are a group of components identified by an Id.

Systems do the heavy lifting: updating components, running side-effects, and integrating with other parts of the code.


You can either build a small game with shipyard's concepts showed as you encounter them.
Or go through a more packed format.

I want to build a small game
I prefer a packed format

Learn by example

In this section you'll learn how to use shipyard by building a small game.


We'll only use two dependencies, let's add them to Cargo.toml.

macroquad = "0.4.8"
shipyard = { version = "0.7", default-features = false, features = [
] }

A lone square

Let's start with a blank window.

use macroquad::prelude::*;

#[macroquad::main("Square Eater")]
async fn main() {
    loop {

Then let's add the player. This game is all about squares so naturally the player is one.

struct Square {
    x: f32,
    y: f32,
    size: f32,

struct Player {
    square: Square,

We can now it add the scene.

#[macroquad::main("Square Eater")]
async fn main() {
    let x = screen_width() / 2.0;
    let y = screen_height() / 2.0;
    let player = Player {
        square: Square { x, y, size: 15.0 },

    loop {



impl Square {
    fn render(&self, color: Color) {
        draw_rectangle(self.x, self.y, self.size, self.size, color);

fn render(player: &Player) {

Our player looks a bit stiff, we can fix that.

async fn main() {
    // -- SNIP --
    let mut player = Player {
        square: Square { x, y, size: 15.0 },

    loop {

        move_player(&mut player);


fn move_player(player: &mut Player) {
    let width = screen_width();
    let height = screen_height();
    let (x, y) = mouse_position();

    player.square.x = x.clamp(0.0, width - player.square.size);
    player.square.y = y.clamp(0.0, height - player.square.size);


Our player has the whole window to explore but they're feeling lonely.
We can add a few friends.

struct Friend(Square);

We could store them in a Vec<Friend> but you're not here for a macroquad tutorial.
Instead we'll store them in a World.

World is shipyard's main type.
It's where everything is stored, from components to entities to systems.

In this guide, I'll be explicit about shipyard imports but you could use shipyard::*; if you prefer.

use macroquad::rand::gen_range;
use shipyard::{Component, World};

#[macroquad::main("Square Eater")]
async fn main() {
    rand::srand(macroquad::miniquad::date::now() as u64);

    // -- SNIP --

    let mut world = World::new();

    for _ in 0..5 {
        let _entity_id = world.add_entity(Friend::new());

    loop {

        move_player(&mut player);
        render(&player, &world);


fn render(player: &Player, world: &World) {
    for friend in &mut world.iter::<&Friend>() {


impl Friend {
    fn new() -> Friend {
        let width = screen_width();
        let height = screen_height();

        Friend(Square {
            x: gen_range(0.0, width - 5.0),
            y: gen_range(0.0, height - 5.0),
            size: 5.0,

This won't compile just yet, as Friend is not a Component.
Some ECS require you to explicitly specify which types are components, and some don't.
One of the reasons shipyard requires it is to easily identify components in codebases.
With small projects, this isn't a big issue, but as the number of lines grow, you'll have to find a way to identify components. This could be moving types to a component.rs, but I'd rather have modules split based on what they do.

Let's add the missing piece.

struct Friend(Square);

Now add_entity can create 5 entities that are each composed of a single component.
Every entity is identified with an EntityId. It's a small handle that you can copy.
And iter let us iterate over components.

We can move Player into the World to simplify our code a little.
We only have a single Player and it will only ever have a single component.
For this kind of entities, shipyard has Unique components.

use shipyard::{Component, Unique, World};

async fn main() {
    // -- SNIP --
    let mut world = World::new();
    let player = Player {
        square: Square { x, y, size: 15.0 },

    // -- SNIP --

    loop {



struct Player {
    square: Square,

fn render(world: &World) {
    for friend in &mut world.iter::<&Friend>() {

    let player = world.get_unique::<&Player>().unwrap();


fn move_player(world: &World) {
    let width = screen_width();
    let height = screen_height();
    let (x, y) = mouse_position();
    let mut player = world.get_unique::<&mut Player>().unwrap();

    player.square.x = x.clamp(0.0, width - player.square.size);
    player.square.y = y.clamp(0.0, height - player.square.size);

We can simply further by using views. Views are temporary access of components.

use shipyard::{Component, IntoIter, Unique, UniqueView, UniqueViewMut, View, World};

async fn main() {
    // -- SNIP --

    loop {



fn render(player: UniqueView<Player>, v_friend: View<Friend>) {
    for friend in v_friend.iter() {


fn move_player(mut player: UniqueViewMut<Player>) {
    let width = screen_width();
    let height = screen_height();
    let (x, y) = mouse_position();

    player.square.x = x.clamp(0.0, width - player.square.size);
    player.square.y = y.clamp(0.0, height - player.square.size);

You've just written your first systems.
With shipyard, all functions that have only views as arguments are systems.
The World understands these functions and provides the desired components automatically.

The v_/vm_ prefix for views is a convention that some shipyard users use. I'll follow it throughout the guide.


Let's infuse a bit of life into our friends.

use shipyard::{Component, IntoIter, Unique, UniqueView, UniqueViewMut, View, ViewMut, World};

const GROWTH_RATE: f32 = 0.15;
const MAX_SIZE: f32 = 25.0;

async fn main() {
    // -- SNIP --


    // -- SNIP --

fn grow(mut vm_friend: ViewMut<Friend>) {
    for friend in (&mut vm_friend).iter() {
        let delta_size = (friend.0.size + GROWTH_RATE).min(MAX_SIZE) - friend.0.size;
        friend.0.size = friend.0.size + delta_size;
        friend.0.x = (friend.0.x - delta_size / 2.0).max(0.0);
        friend.0.y = (friend.0.y - delta_size / 2.0).max(0.0);

grow's code could be simpler but this version makes Friends grow from their center, which feels a lot more natural.

It appears our Friends want to come close to the Player, likely to give them a hug.

const SPEED: f32 = 1.5;

async fn main() {
    // -- SNIP --


    // -- SNIP --

impl Square {
    // -- SNIP --

    fn center(&self) -> Vec2 {
        vec2(self.x + self.size / 2.0, self.y + self.size / 2.0)

fn move_friends(player: UniqueView<Player>, mut vm_friend: ViewMut<Friend>) {
    let mut dirs = vec![Vec2::ZERO; vm_friend.len()];

    for (friend, dir) in vm_friend.iter().zip(&mut dirs) {
        if friend.0.size <= player.square.size {

        let player_dir = player.square.center() - friend.0.center();

        *dir = player_dir.normalize();

        let mut neighbor_dir = Vec2::ZERO;

        for neighbor in vm_friend.iter() {
            if friend.0.center().distance_squared(neighbor.0.center())
                < friend.0.size * friend.0.size / 1.5
                neighbor_dir +=
                    Vec2::new(friend.0.x - neighbor.0.x, friend.0.y - neighbor.0.y);

        *dir *= SPEED;

        *dir += neighbor_dir * 0.05;

    let width = screen_width();
    let height = screen_height();
    for (friend, dir) in (&mut vm_friend).iter().zip(dirs) {
        if dir == Vec2::ZERO {

        friend.0.x = (friend.0.x + dir.x).clamp(0.0, width - friend.0.size);
        friend.0.y = (friend.0.y + dir.y).clamp(0.0, height - friend.0.size);

As you can see, you can iterate views multiple times in the same system.
We also prevent the Friends from overlapping by stirring them away from their neighbors.

But something doesn't feel right...

async fn main() {
    // -- SNIP --


    // -- SNIP --

impl Square {
    // -- SNIP --

    fn collide(&self, other: &Square) -> bool {
        self.x + self.size >= other.x
            && self.x <= other.x + other.size
            && self.y + self.size >= other.y
            && self.y <= other.y + other.size

fn collision(mut player: UniqueViewMut<Player>, v_friend: View<Friend>) {
    for friend in v_friend.iter() {
        if friend.0.size == MAX_SIZE && friend.0.collide(&player.square) {
            player.square.size -= 5.0 / 2.;

            if player.square.size < 5.0 {

Oh my god! The "Friends" killed the Player!?


Let's refactor a little to give us time to process this betrayal and think of a way to get our revenge.
You can move things around and maybe create modules.

We're using an initial size in a few spots, we can abstract it.

const INIT_SIZE: f32 = 5.0;

async fn main() {
    // -- SNIP --

    let player = Player {
        square: Square {
            size: INIT_SIZE * 3.0,

    // -- SNIP --

impl Friend {
    fn new() -> Friend {
        // -- SNIP --

        Friend(Square {
            x: gen_range(0.0, width - INIT_SIZE),
            y: gen_range(0.0, height - INIT_SIZE),
            size: INIT_SIZE,

fn collision(mut player: UniqueViewMut<Player>, v_friend: View<Friend>) {
    for friend in v_friend.iter() {
        if friend.0.size == MAX_SIZE && friend.0.collide(&player.square) {
            player.square.size -= INIT_SIZE / 2.;

            if player.square.size < INIT_SIZE {

We can also handle the game over a little cleaner.

enum GameOver {

async fn main() {
    // -- SNIP --

    loop {
        // -- SNIP --

        if world.run(collision).is_err() {

        // -- SNIP --

fn collision(mut player: UniqueViewMut<Player>, v_friend: View<Friend>) -> Result<(), GameOver> {
    for friend in v_friend.iter() {
        if friend.0.size == MAX_SIZE && friend.0.collide(&player.square) {
            player.square.size -= INIT_SIZE / 2.;

            if player.square.size < INIT_SIZE {
                return Err(GameOver::Defeat);


Systems can return any type, World::run then returns when the function returns.
Moving the panic to main isn't a big change but it allows a better control of what happens which will be useful later on.

To conclude this chapter we can better show the duplicity of the "Friends".

fn render(player: UniqueView<Player>, v_friend: View<Friend>) {
    for friend in v_friend.iter() {
        if friend.0.size == MAX_SIZE {
        } else if friend.0.size > player.square.size {
        } else {



We've had plenty of time to think of a way for our Player to get back at those pesky Friends.
Sometimes, the simplest solution is the best.
If the Friends can overpower the Player when they are fully grown, we shouldn't let them reach that size.
I'm sure the Player can overcome Friend that are smaller than them.

use shipyard::{
    Component, EntitiesView, IntoIter, IntoWithId, Unique, UniqueView, UniqueViewMut, View,
    ViewMut, World,

struct ToDelete;

fn collision(
    entities: EntitiesView,
    mut player: UniqueViewMut<Player>,
    v_friend: View<Friend>,
    mut vm_to_delete: ViewMut<ToDelete>,
) -> Result<(), GameOver> {
    for (eid, friend) in v_friend.iter().with_id() {
        if friend.0.size == MAX_SIZE && friend.0.collide(&player.square) {
            // -- SNIP --
        } else if player.square.size >= friend.0.size && player.square.collide(&friend.0) {
            player.square.size = (player.square.size + INIT_SIZE / 2.).min(MAX_SIZE - 0.01);
            entities.add_component(eid, &mut vm_to_delete, ToDelete);


It appears our Player can even overcome Friends of equal size.
By... eating them!?

Remember when we added Friends to the World, each one was assigned an EntityId.
We can iterate over both components and the EntityId of the entity that owns them by using with_id.

Then we can use this EntityId to add another component to the vanquished Friends.
As you may have noticed we are not modifying entities. We only need it to check that the eid is alive.

ToDelete is not a special component, we still have to make it do its job.

use shipyard::{
    AllStoragesViewMut, Component, EntitiesView, IntoIter, IntoWithId, SparseSet, Unique,
    UniqueView, UniqueViewMut, View, ViewMut, World,

async fn main() {
    // -- SNIP --

    loop {

        if world.run(collision).is_err() {


fn clean_up(mut all_storages: AllStoragesViewMut) {

AllStorages is the part of World that stores all components and entities.
We are using it to delete_any entity that has a ToDelete component in a SparseSet storage.
SparseSet is the storage for all Components. Uniques have a different storage and you can add custom storages to the World but that's an advanced feature.

It's over

Defeating smaller Friends is nice but most of the time they've grown by the time the Player reaches them.
The Player needs more power.

use shipyard::{
    AllStoragesViewMut, Component, EntitiesView, EntitiesViewMut, IntoIter, IntoWithId, SparseSet,
    Unique, UniqueView, UniqueViewMut, View, ViewMut, World,

const POWER_PELLET_SPAWN_RATE: u32 = 150;

async fn main() {
    // -- SNIP --

    let player = Player {
        square: Square {
            size: INIT_SIZE * 3.0,
        pellet_counter: 0,

    // -- SNIP --

    loop {
        // -- SNIP --

        if world.run(collision).is_err() {

        // -- SNIP --

struct Player {
    square: Square,
    pellet_counter: u32,

impl Player {
    fn power_up(&mut self) {
        self.pellet_counter = 120;

    fn is_powered_up(&self) -> bool {
        self.pellet_counter > 0

struct PowerPellet(Square);

fn render(player: UniqueView<Player>, v_friend: View<Friend>, v_power_pellets: View<PowerPellet>) {
    for pellet in v_power_pellets.iter() {

    // -- SNIP --

    if player.is_powered_up() {
    } else {

fn collision(
    entities: EntitiesView,
    mut player: UniqueViewMut<Player>,
    v_friend: View<Friend>,
    v_power_pellets: View<PowerPellet>,
    mut vm_to_delete: ViewMut<ToDelete>,
) -> Result<(), GameOver> {
    for (eid, pellet) in v_power_pellets.iter().with_id() {
        if player.square.collide(&pellet.0) {
            entities.add_component(eid, &mut vm_to_delete, ToDelete);

    for (eid, friend) in v_friend.iter().with_id() {
        if friend.0.size == MAX_SIZE && friend.0.collide(&player.square) {
            if player.is_powered_up() {
                player.square.size = (player.square.size + INIT_SIZE / 2.).min(MAX_SIZE - 0.01);
                entities.add_component(eid, &mut vm_to_delete, ToDelete);


            player.square.size -= INIT_SIZE / 2.;

            // -- SNIP --
        } else if player.square.size >= friend.0.size && player.square.collide(&friend.0) {
            // -- SNIP --


fn counters(mut player: UniqueViewMut<Player>) {
    player.pellet_counter = player.pellet_counter.saturating_sub(1);

fn spawn(mut entities: EntitiesViewMut, mut vm_power_pellets: ViewMut<PowerPellet>) {
    let width = screen_width();
    let height = screen_height();

    let pellet_spawn_rate = if vm_power_pellets.is_empty() {
    } else {

    if rand::gen_range(0, pellet_spawn_rate) == 0 {
        let x = rand::gen_range(0.0, width - INIT_SIZE);
        let y = rand::gen_range(0.0, height - INIT_SIZE);

            &mut vm_power_pellets,
            PowerPellet(Square {
                size: INIT_SIZE * 2.0,

The syntax to add entities is very similar to adding components.
But this time we need EntitiesViewMut.

With this change the Player is can now rest, stronger than ever.

True victory

It seems the Friends are able to copy the power pellets' spawning mechanic! And they've learned to avoid the Player whenever they are powered up.

const FRIEND_SPAWN_RATE: u32 = 25;

fn move_friends(player: UniqueView<Player>, mut vm_friend: ViewMut<Friend>) {
        // -- SNIP --

        *dir = player_dir.normalize();

        if player.is_powered_up() {
            *dir = -*dir;

        // -- SNIP --

fn spawn(
    mut entities: EntitiesViewMut,
    mut vm_friend: ViewMut<Friend>,
    mut vm_power_pellets: ViewMut<PowerPellet>,
) {
    // -- SNIP --

    if rand::gen_range(0, FRIEND_SPAWN_RATE) == 0 {
        let x = rand::gen_range(0.0, width - INIT_SIZE / 2.0);
        let y = rand::gen_range(0.0, height - INIT_SIZE / 2.0);

            &mut vm_friend,
            Friend(Square {
                size: INIT_SIZE,

Let's give the Player a little bit of help and a way to win again. In many games, whenever the player is hit, they'll turn invincible for a few frames.

async fn main() {
    // -- SNIP --

    let player = Player {
        // -- SNIP --
        i_counter: 0,

    // -- SNIP --

struct Player {
    // -- SNIP --
    i_counter: u32,

impl Player {
    // -- SNIP --

    fn turn_invincible(&mut self) {
        self.i_counter = 5;

    fn is_invincible(&self) -> bool {
        self.i_counter > 0

fn collision(
    entities: EntitiesView,
    mut player: UniqueViewMut<Player>,
    v_friend: View<Friend>,
    v_power_pellets: View<PowerPellet>,
    mut vm_to_delete: ViewMut<ToDelete>,
) -> Result<(), GameOver> {
        // -- SNIP --

            if player.powered_up() {
                // -- SNIP --
            } else if player.is_invincible() {

            player.square.size -= INIT_SIZE / 2.;

            // -- SNIP --

fn counters(mut player: UniqueViewMut<Player>) {
    player.pellet_counter = player.pellet_counter.saturating_sub(1);
    player.i_counter = player.i_counter.saturating_sub(1);

We'll conclude this guide by allowing the Player to win.

use shipyard::{
    AllStoragesViewMut, Component, EntitiesView, EntitiesViewMut, IntoIter, IntoWithId,
    IntoWorkload, IntoWorkloadTrySystem, SparseSet, Unique, UniqueView, UniqueViewMut, View,
    ViewMut, Workload, World,

async fn main() {
    // -- SNIP --

    for _ in 0..5 {
        let _entity_id = world.add_entity(Friend::new());


    loop {



enum GameOver {

impl std::fmt::Display for GameOver {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        std::fmt::Debug::fmt(self, f)
impl std::error::Error for GameOver {}

fn main_loop() -> Workload {

fn collision(
    // -- SNIP --
) {
    // -- SNIP --

            player.square.size -= INIT_SIZE / 2.;

            // No more return
        } else if player.square.size >= friend.0.size && player.square.collide(&friend.0) {
            // -- SNIP --

    // No more Ok(())

fn check_game_over(player: UniqueView<Player>, v_friends: View<Friend>) -> Result<(), GameOver> {
    if player.square.size < INIT_SIZE {
    } else if v_friends.is_empty() {
    } else {

Workloads are a collection of systems.
We only have a single Workload in our game since it's quite small.
You would usually have smaller Workloads that make up larger ones.
Apart from organization, Workloads are automatically run across multiple threads, which can usually boost performance.

The last touch is to handle check_game_over's return value.
We use into_workload_try_system to explicitly inform the Workload that this system might return something, but we don't handle it anywhere.

async fn main() {
    // -- SNIP --

    loop {

        if let Err(Some(game_over)) = world
            match game_over.downcast_ref::<GameOver>().unwrap() {
                GameOver::Defeat => panic!("Murder"),
                GameOver::Victory => panic!("Victory!"),


After some type juggling, we can get our result back.


This concludes the example guide.
You've encountered the main ways you can interact with entities, components and systems.
The following reference guide delves deeper into details and is a good place to come back to once you start your own project.

You may be wondering where are the floors, the shop,...
Your mission, should you choose to accept it is to build the rest of the game.

Each new floor reached, the Friends gain one of these bonuses:

  • start size +0.5
  • growth rate +0.05
  • speed +0.1
  • number +3
  • spawn rate +4

Each floor, new or not, the Player chooses between:

  • start size +3.0 (capped at 3)
  • power up duration +10 (capped at 10)
  • power up spawn rate +10 (capped at 10)
  • size on eat +0.5 (capped at 10)
  • defense +0.4 (capped at 5)

The game alternates between floor and shop.
Each floor a total of (floor_number + 1) * 2 Friends spawn.
If the Player is able to eat all Friends, they move to the next floor.
If not, they stay on the same floor but with a visit to the shop.


This section is about learning all basic ECS operations.

It also acts as a reference that you can come back to.
So even if you've just finished building the square eater game, this section can be useful to get a more condensed version.


World is Shipyard's core data structure: It holds all data and knows how to process systems. All operations originate from one (or more) World.


You can use new or default:

let world = World::default();
// or
let world = World::new();


While some actions are available directly on World, you'll often interact with it through views. They allow access to one or multiple storage.
Storage access follows the same rules as Rust's borrowing: as many shared accesses to a storage as you like or a single exclusive access.

You can request a view using World::run, World::borrow or with workloads (more on this in a later chapter).
These three methods have the exact same storage access abilities.
borrow has the extra ability to allow fallible storage access while workloads are about system composition.
Most examples in this guide require neither so we'll use almost exclusively run.

For example if you want a shared access to the entities storage:

let world = World::new();

world.run(|entities: EntitiesView| {});


Components are identified with the Component trait.
While it can be cumbersome for small projects, this trait becomes self-documenting and helps identify what is present in the World.

Throughout this guide we'll use a couple of components, the following snippet is assumed to be present in all other snippets:

#[derive(Component, Debug)]
struct Pos(f32, f32);

#[derive(Component, Debug)]
struct Vel(f32, f32);

Component can also be implemented manually.

struct Pos(f32, f32);
impl Component for Pos {
    // We'll come back to this in a later chapter
    type Tracking = track::Untracked;

struct Vel(f32, f32);
impl Component for Vel {
    type Tracking = track::Untracked;

Add Entity

When an entity is created you will receive a unique handle to it: an EntityId.


let mut world = World::new();

let empty_entity = world.add_entity(());
let single_component = world.add_entity(Pos::new());
let multiple_components = world.add_entity((Pos::new(), Vel::new()));


let world = World::new();

    |mut entities: EntitiesViewMut, mut vm_pos: ViewMut<Pos>, mut vm_vel: ViewMut<Vel>| {
        let empty_entity = entities.add_entity((), ());
        let single_component = entities.add_entity(&mut vm_pos, Pos::new());
        let multiple_components =
            entities.add_entity((&mut vm_pos, &mut vm_vel), (Pos::new(), Vel::new()));

Delete Entity

Deleting an entity deletes it from the entities storage, while also deleting all its components.


let mut world = World::new();

let id = world.add_entity(Pos::new());



let world = World::new();

world.run(|mut all_storages: AllStoragesViewMut| {
    let id = all_storages.add_entity(Pos::new());


Add Components

An entity can have any number of components but only one in each storage.
Adding another component of the same type will replace the existing one.


let mut world = World::new();

let id = world.add_entity(());

world.add_component(id, Vel::new());
world.add_component(id, (Pos::new(), Vel::new()));


When adding components, the entities storage is only used to check if the EntityId is alive.
We don't need exclusive access to the entities storage.

If you don't need to check if the entity is alive, you can use the AddComponent trait and do without the entities storage entirely.

let world = World::new();

    |mut entities: EntitiesViewMut, mut vm_pos: ViewMut<Pos>, mut vm_vel: ViewMut<Vel>| {
        let id = entities.add_entity((), ());

        entities.add_component(id, &mut vm_pos, Pos::new());
        entities.add_component(id, (&mut vm_pos, &mut vm_vel), (Pos::new(), Vel::new()));
        vm_vel.add_component_unchecked(id, Vel::new());

Remove Components

Removing a component will take it out of the storage and return it.


let mut world = World::new();

let id = world.add_entity((Pos::new(), Vel::new()));

world.remove::<(Pos, Vel)>(id);


We have to import the Remove trait for multiple components.

let world = World::new();

    |mut entities: EntitiesViewMut, mut vm_pos: ViewMut<Pos>, mut vm_vel: ViewMut<Vel>| {
        let id = entities.add_entity((&mut vm_pos, &mut vm_vel), (Pos::new(), Vel::new()));

        (&mut vm_pos, &mut vm_vel).remove(id);

Delete Components

Deleting a component will erase it from the storage but will not return it.


let mut world = World::new();

let id = world.add_entity((Pos::new(), Vel::new()));

world.delete_component::<(Pos, Vel)>(id);

All Components

let mut world = World::new();

let id = world.add_entity((Pos::new(), Vel::new()));



We have to import the Delete trait for multiple components.

let world = World::new();

    |mut entities: EntitiesViewMut, mut vm_pos: ViewMut<Pos>, mut vm_vel: ViewMut<Vel>| {
        let id = entities.add_entity((&mut vm_pos, &mut vm_vel), (Pos::new(), Vel::new()));

        (&mut vm_pos, &mut vm_vel).delete(id);

All Components

let world = World::new();

world.run(|mut all_storages: AllStoragesViewMut| {
    let id = all_storages.add_entity((Pos::new(), Vel::new()));


Get and Modify Components

To access or update components you can use Get::get. It'll work with both shared and exclusive views.

let mut world = World::new();

let id = world.add_entity((Pos::new(), Vel::new()));

world.run(|mut vm_pos: ViewMut<Pos>, mut vm_vel: ViewMut<Vel>| {
    (&mut vm_vel).get(id).unwrap().0 += 1.0;

    let (mut i, j) = (&mut vm_pos, &vm_vel).get(id).unwrap();
    i.0 += j.0;

    vm_pos[id].0 += 1.0;

When using a single view, if you are certain an entity has the desired component, you can access it via index.


Iteration is one of the most important features of an ECS.


let world = World::new();

for (i, j) in &mut world.iter::<(&mut Pos, &Vel)>() {
    i.0 += j.0;

THe "extra" &mut is unfortunate but necessary.


Iteration on views is achieved using IntoIter::iter.

let world = World::new();

world.run(|mut vm_pos: ViewMut<Pos>, v_vel: View<Vel>| {
    for i in vm_pos.iter() {
    for (i, j) in (&mut vm_pos, &v_vel).iter() {
        i.0 += j.0;

You can use views in any order. However, using the same combination of views in different positions may yield components in a different order.
You shouldn't expect specific ordering from Shipyard's iterators in general.

With Id

You can ask an iterator to tell you which entity owns each component by using WithId::with_id:

let world = World::new();

world.run(|v_pos: View<Pos>| {
    for (id, i) in v_pos.iter().with_id() {
        println!("{:?} belongs to entity {:?}", i, id);


It's possible to filter entities that don't have a certain component using Not by adding ! in front of the view reference.

let world = World::new();

world.run(|v_pos: View<Pos>, v_vel: View<Vel>| {
    for (i, _) in (&v_pos, !&v_vel).iter() {


Unique components (a.k.a. resources) are useful when you know there will only ever be a single instance of some component.
In that case there is no need to attach the component to an entity. It also works well as global data without most of its drawback.

As opposed to the default storage uniques are declared using the Unique trait.

// Using a derive macro
struct Camera;

// By manually implementing the trait
struct Camera;
impl Unique for Camera {}

They also need to be initialized with add_unique. We can then access them with UniqueView and UniqueViewMut.

let world = World::new();


    .run(|camera: UniqueView<Camera>| {
        // -- snip --


Systems are a great way to organize code.
A function with views as arguments is all you need.

Here's an example:

fn create_ints(mut entities: EntitiesViewMut, mut vm_vel: ViewMut<Vel>) {
    // -- snip --

We have a system, let's run it!

let world = World::new();


It also works with closures, all previous chapters were using systems.


A workload is a group of systems.

fn create_ints(mut entities: EntitiesViewMut, mut vm_vel: ViewMut<Vel>) {
    // -- snip --

fn delete_ints(mut vm_vel: ViewMut<Vel>) {
    // -- snip --

fn int_cycle() -> Workload {
    (create_ints, delete_ints).into_workload()

let world = World::new();



They are stored in the World, ready to be run again and again.

Workloads will run their systems first to last and try to run them in parallel when possible. We call this outer-parallelism, you can learn more about it in this chapter.

Workload Nesting

You can also add a workload to another and build your execution logic brick by brick.

struct Dead<T: 'static + Send + Sync>(core::marker::PhantomData<T>);

fn increment(mut vm_vel: ViewMut<Vel>) {
    for i in (&mut vm_vel).iter() {
        i.0 += 1.0;

fn flag_deleted_vel(v_vel: View<Vel>, mut deads: ViewMut<Dead<Vel>>) {
    for (id, i) in v_vel.iter().with_id() {
        if i.0 > 100.0 {
            deads.add_component_unchecked(id, Dead(core::marker::PhantomData));

fn clear_deleted_vel(mut all_storages: AllStoragesViewMut) {

fn filter_vel() -> Workload {
    (flag_deleted_vel, clear_deleted_vel).into_workload()

fn main_loop() -> Workload {
    (increment, filter_vel).into_workload()

let world = World::new();



Congratulations, you made it to the end of the fundamentals!
The next section will explore less universal topics.

Going Further

This section covers patterns that are not needed for all projects but come in handy when the situation requires it.


Shipyard comes with built-in tracking for insertion, modification, deletion and removal.
deletion will store the component in the tracking info whereas removal gives it back immediately.
It can be noticed on SparseSet::delete vs SparseSet::remove signatures:

fn delete(&mut self, entity: EntityId) -> bool {}
fn remove(&mut self, entity: EntityId) -> Option<T> {}

Components can be deleted or removed but whole entities can only be deleted (at least for now, it's technically possible to return something but I digress).


Tracking is set with the Component trait. You can set it to any single operation or use All to track everything.

struct Life(f32);
impl Component for Life {
    type Tracking = track::Modification;

// or with the proc macro

struct Life(f32);


When inside a workload you will get all tracking information since the last time this system ran.
Outside workloads you'll get information since the last call to clear_*.

Inserted or Modified

You can query inserted and modified components when iterating by calling inserted, modified or inserted_or_modified on a view before making the iterator. (*_mut versions also exist).

fn run(life: View<Life>, mut is_dead: ViewMut<IsDead>) {
    for (entity, life) in life.modified().iter().with_id() {
        if life.0 <= 0.0 {
            is_dead.add_component_unchecked(entity, IsDead);

Removed or Deleted

Removed and deleted cannot be used with iter but can be accessed with removed, deleted or removed_or_deleted methods on views.


Inside workloads tracking information doesn't need to be reset. You will always get the operations that happened since the last run of the system.

You can reset out of workload tracking info with:

  • clear_all_inserted
  • clear_all_modified
  • clear_all_inserted_and_modified
  • clear_all_removed
  • clear_all_deleted
  • clear_all_removed_and_deleted

You can also reset removed and deleted information older than some timestamp.

Use World::get_tracking_timestamp or AllStorages::get_tracking_timestamp to get a timestamp.
Then call clear_all_deleted_older_than_timestamp, clear_all_removed_older_than_timestamp or clear_all_removed_and_deleted_older_than_timestamp.


By late 90s - early 2000s, CPUs started to get too close to the physical limitation of transistors and manufacturers couldn't "just" make their product faster. The solution: more cores.

Nowadays almost all devices come with multiple cores, it would be a shame to use just one.

In ECS there's two big ways to split work across cores: running systems on separate threads or using a parallel iterator, we call these two methods "outer-parallelism" and "inner-parallelism," respectively.


We'll start by the simplest one to use. So simple that there's nothing to do, workloads handle all the work for you. We even almost used multiple threads in the Systems chapter.

As long as the "parallel" feature is set (enabled by default) workloads will try to execute systems as much in parallel as possible. There is a set of rules that defines the "possible":

  • Systems accessing AllStorages stop all threading.
  • There can't be any other access during an exclusive access, so ViewMut<T> will block T threading.

When you make a workload, all systems in it will be checked and batches (groups of systems that don't conflict) will be created.
add_to_world returns information about these batches and why each system didn't get into the previous batch.


While parallel iterators does require us to modify our code, it's just a matter of using par_iter instead of iter.
Don't forget to import rayon. par_iter returns a ParallelIterator.


use rayon::prelude::*;

fn many_vm_pos(mut vm_pos: ViewMut<Pos>) {
    vm_pos.par_iter().for_each(|i| {
        // -- snip --

Don't replace all your iter method calls just yet, however! Using a parallel iterator comes with an upfront overhead cost. It will only exceed the speed of its sequential counterpart on computations expensive enough to make up for the overhead cost in improved processing efficiency.

Custom Views

Custom views are types that you can borrow (like View or UniqueView) but are not provided by shipyard.

Many types can become custom views, they'll fall into one of two categories: View Bundle or Wild View. View bundles only contain other views while wild views can contain other types.

Example of a View Bundle:

#[derive(Borrow, BorrowInfo)]
struct Hierarchy<'v> {
    entities: EntitiesViewMut<'v>,
    parents: ViewMut<'v, Parent>,
    children: ViewMut<'v, Child>,

Example of a Wild View:

struct RandomNumber(u64);


View bundles can be iterated directly by deriving the IntoIter trait.

#[derive(Borrow, BorrowInfo, IntoIter)]
#[shipyard(item_name = "Node")]
struct Hierarchy<'v> {
    entities: EntitiesViewMut<'v>,
    #[shipyard(item_field_name = "parent")]
    parents: ViewMut<'v, Parent>,
    #[shipyard(item_field_name = "child")]
    children: ViewMut<'v, Child>,

let world = World::new();

world.run(|mut hierarchy: Hierarchy| {
    for Node { parent, child } in hierarchy.iter() {

All attributes are optional.

Concrete example

When creating a frame with any low level api there is always some boilerplate. We'll look at how custom views can help for wgpu.

The original code creates the frame in a system by borrowing Graphics which contains everything needed. The rendering part just clears the screen with a color.

The entire starting code for this chapter is available in this file. You can copy all of it in a fresh main.rs and edit the fresh Cargo.toml.

struct Graphics {
    surface: wgpu::Surface,
    device: wgpu::Device,
    queue: wgpu::Queue,
    config: wgpu::SurfaceConfiguration,
    size: winit::dpi::PhysicalSize<u32>,

fn render(graphics: UniqueView<Graphics>) -> Result<(), wgpu::SurfaceError> {
    // Get a few things from the GPU
    let output = graphics.surface.get_current_texture()?;
    let view = output

    let mut encoder = graphics
        .create_command_encoder(&wgpu::CommandEncoderDescriptor {
            label: Some("Render Encoder"),

        // RenderPass borrows encoder for all its lifetime
        let mut _render_pass = encoder.begin_render_pass(&wgpu::RenderPassDescriptor {
            label: Some("Render Pass"),
            color_attachments: &[wgpu::RenderPassColorAttachment {
                view: &view,
                resolve_target: None,
                ops: wgpu::Operations {
                    load: wgpu::LoadOp::Clear(wgpu::Color {
                        r: 0.1,
                        g: 0.2,
                        b: 0.3,
                        a: 1.0,
                    store: true,
            depth_stencil_attachment: None,

    // encoder.finish() consumes `encoder`, so the RenderPass needs to disappear before that to release the borrow


We want to abstract the beginning and end of the system to get this version working. The error handling is going to move, we could keep it closer to the original by having a ResultRenderGraphicsViewMut for example.

fn render(mut graphics: RenderGraphicsViewMut) {
    let mut _render_pass = graphics
        .begin_render_pass(&wgpu::RenderPassDescriptor {
            label: Some("Render Pass"),
            color_attachments: &[wgpu::RenderPassColorAttachment {
                view: &graphics.view,
                resolve_target: None,
                ops: wgpu::Operations {
                    load: wgpu::LoadOp::Clear(wgpu::Color {
                        r: 0.1,
                        g: 0.2,
                        b: 0.3,
                        a: 1.0,
                    store: true,
            depth_stencil_attachment: None,

We'll start by creating a struct to hold our init state.

struct RenderGraphicsViewMut {
    view: wgpu::TextureView,
    encoder: wgpu::CommandEncoder,

Now let's make this struct able to be borrowed and generate the initial state we need.

impl shipyard::Borrow for RenderGraphicsViewMut {
    type View<'v> = RenderGraphicsViewMut;

    fn borrow<'a>(
        all_storages: &'a AllStorages,
        all_borrow: Option<SharedBorrow<'a>>,
        last_run: Option<TrackingTimestamp>,
        current: TrackingTimestamp,
    ) -> Result<Self::View<'a>, shipyard::error::GetStorage> {
        // Even if we don't use tracking for Graphics, it's good to build an habit of using last_run and current when creating custom views
        let graphics =
            UniqueView::<Graphics>::borrow(&all_storages, all_borrow, last_run, current)?;
        // This error will now be reported as an error during the view creation process and not the system but is still bubbled up
        let output = graphics
        let view = output

        let encoder = graphics
            .create_command_encoder(&wgpu::CommandEncoderDescriptor {
                label: Some("Render Encoder"),

        Ok(RenderGraphicsViewMut { encoder, view })

We now have a custom view! We can't change our system just yet, we're missing output.

Let's add output and graphics to our custom view.

struct RenderGraphicsViewMut<'v> {
    encoder: wgpu::CommandEncoder,
    view: wgpu::TextureView,
    // New fields
    output: Option<wgpu::SurfaceTexture>,
    graphics: UniqueView<'v, Graphics>,

Let's revisit our Borrow implementation and add one for Drop.

impl shipyard::Borrow for RenderGraphicsViewMut<'_> {
    type View<'v> = RenderGraphicsViewMut<'v>;

    fn borrow<'a>(
        all_storages: &'a AllStorages,
        all_borrow: Option<SharedBorrow<'a>>,
        last_run: Option<TrackingTimestamp>,
        current: TrackingTimestamp,
    ) -> Result<Self::View<'a>, shipyard::error::GetStorage> {
        // Even if we don't use tracking for Graphics, it's good to build an habit of using last_run and current when creating custom views
        let graphics =
            UniqueView::<Graphics>::borrow(&all_storages, all_borrow, last_run, current)?;
        // This error will now be reported as an error during the view creation process and not the system but is still bubbled up
        let output = graphics
        let view = output

        let encoder = graphics
            .create_command_encoder(&wgpu::CommandEncoderDescriptor {
                label: Some("Render Encoder"),

        Ok(RenderGraphicsViewMut {
            output: Some(output),

impl Drop for RenderGraphicsViewMut<'_> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        // I chose to swap here to not have to use an `Option<wgpu::CommandEncoder>` in a publicly accessible field
        let encoder = std::mem::replace(
            &mut self.encoder,
                .create_command_encoder(&wgpu::CommandEncoderDescriptor {
                    label: Some("Render Encoder"),

        // output on the other hand is only used here so an `Option` is good enough

Our custom view is now fully functional and we successfully moved code that would be duplicated out of the render system. You can remove the error handling in main.rs to see the result.

As a final touch we can implement BorrowInfo to make our view work with workloads.

// SAFE: All storages info is recorded.
unsafe impl shipyard::BorrowInfo for RenderGraphicsViewMut<'_> {
    fn borrow_info(info: &mut Vec<shipyard::info::TypeInfo>) {

    fn enable_tracking(
        enable_tracking_fn: &mut Vec<fn(&AllStorages) -> Result<(), shipyard::error::GetStorage>>,
    ) {
        // We only have a single UniqueView so no tracking

!Send and !Sync Components

World can store !Send and/or !Sync components once the thread_local feature is set but they come with limitations:

  • !Send storages can only be added in World's thread.
  • Send + !Sync components can only be accessed from one thread at a time.
  • !Send + Sync components can only be accessed immutably from other threads.
  • !Send + !Sync components can only be accessed in the thread they were added in.

These storages are accessed with NonSend, NonSync and NonSendSync, for example:

struct RcU32(Rc<u32>);
struct RcUSIZE(Rc<usize>);

fn run(rcs_usize: NonSendSync<View<RcUSIZE>>, rc_u32: NonSendSync<UniqueView<RcU32>>) {}

Performance Tips

List of small information to get the most out of Shipyard.


for ... in desugars to calling next repeatedly, the compiler can sometimes optimize it very well.
If you don't want to take any chance prefer calling for_each instead.

borrow / run in a loop

While borrowing storages is quite cheap, doing so in a loop is generally a bad idea.
Prefer moving the loop inside run and move borrow's call outside the loop.


When creating many entities at the same time remember to call bulk_add_entity if possible.

Deleting entities

This is a niche optimization but the methods presented in the Delete Components chapter are not always the fastest way to delete an entity.

When an entity is deleted, all storages have to be checked to delete the components of that entity. But if you know which components this entity might have, you can focus the search on those and ignore the other storages.

Instead of calling World::delete_entity or AllStorages::delete_entity you can call delete on all potential storages using the Delete trait and Entities::delete_unchecked.


Shipyard comes with a tracing feature that let you see and inspect systems execution.

You can use various adapters for the tracing crate. I'll use tracy, a C++ profiler.

We'll need to enable the tracing feature and add a few dependencies.
This can all be feature gated to not impact exported binaries performance.

shipyard = { git = "https://github.com/leudz/shipyard", features = ["tracing"] }
tracy_full = { version = "1.3", features = ["enable", "tracing"] }
tracing = "0.1"
tracing-subscriber = "0.3.18"

Enabling tracing is done by adding a few lines to main.

fn main() {
    use tracing_subscriber::layer::SubscriberExt;

    .expect("setup tracy layer");

    // The rest of your main function

You can download the latest tracy release, run your program alongside tracy which will start registering traces once you click the "connect" button in its interface.

You can then get a quick overview of execution times:

Square eater trace

Or more details for specific systems or workloads:

System trace

More Resources

Packs, the whole series is a good read
Timothy Ford's GDC talk on ECS usage in Overwatch
Catherine West's closing keynote on using the ECS pattern in Rust
Sander Mertens's ECS FAQ
Todo MVC using ECS

Going Further

This section covers the inner working of shipyard. As a user you don't need to know any of this to leverage everything shipyard can offer.

If you want to contribute or make your own ECS this section can be handy.

Sparse Set

SparseSet is Shipyard's default storage. This chapter explains the basics of how it works, the actual implementation is more optimized both in term of speed and memory.


To understand how Shipyard uses sparse sets, we must first understand how sparse sets work. A basic sparse set is a data structure for storing integers. It is comprised of two arrays: sparse and dense.

To insert an integer i, we first set the next available slot in the dense array to i, and then set sparse[i] to the position of i in the dense array. Let's walk through an example.

We start off with an empty sparse set:

  • Sparse Array: []
  • Dense Array: []

To add 3 to our sparse set, we first append it to dense and then set sparse[3] to 0 (the position of 3 in dense):

  • Sparse Array: [U, U, 0]
  • Dense Array: [3] U is short for uninitialised.

If we then add 0, the sparse set will look like so:

  • Sparse Array: [1, U, 0]
  • Dense Array: [3, 0]

Searching a sparse set is O(1). To check if the integer i exists we check whether dense[sparse[i]] == i. For example, to look up 3 in our example sparse set, we should first check sparse[check]. sparse[check] is equal to 0 and so next we check dense[0]. Since dense[0] == 3 we can say that 3 is in our example sparse set.


So far, we've only seen how sparse sets can store integers. However, Shipyard has to store both entity IDs (basically just integers) and components, requiring us to use a slightly more complicated data structure. Shipyard makes two major changes to the traditional sparse set described above.

Firstly, Shipyard sparse sets are actually composed of three arrays: sparse, dense, and data. dense stores the entity IDs, whereas data contains the actual components of the entities. dense and data are linked: their lengths are always the same. data[i] is the component for the entity with the ID located at dense[i]. Whenever dense changes, so does data.

Secondly, Shipyard uses multiple sparse sets, one for each type of component. The dense array in each sparse set contains the EntityIds of the entities that have that component.

Let's walk through an example:

struct FirstComponent(pub u32);

struct SecondComponent(pub u32);

let mut world = World::new();

let entity_id_0 = world.add_entity((FirstComponent(322),));
let entity_id_1 = world.add_entity((SecondComponent(17),));
let entity_id_2 = world.add_entity((FirstComponent(5050), SecondComponent(3154)));
let entity_id_3 = world.add_entity((FirstComponent(958),));

For this example we will assume that the entity IDs are in order i.e. entity_id_0 == 0, entity_id_1 == 1, etc.

The world data will now be stored in two sparse sets, one for each component:

    sparse: [0, U, 1, 2]
    dense:  [0, 2, 3]
    data:   [FirstComponent(322), FirstComponent(5050), FirstComponent(958)]

    sparse: [U, 0, 1]
    dense:  [1, 2]
    data:   [SecondComponent(17), SecondComponent(3154)]

U is short for uninitialised.


To iterate over a single sparse set, we can simply iterate over the data array. However, Shipyard also lets us iterate over multiple sparse sets.

To iterate over multiple sparse sets, we first pick the shortest set (comparing the lengths of the dense arrays) and then iterate over the dense array of the shortest set. For each entity ID, we check whether all the other sparse sets contain it, and if they do, we yield the entity ID in the iterator.

Let's walk through an example with the sparse set we defined above:

let (firsts, seconds) = world
	.borrow::<(View<FirstComponent>, View<SecondComponent>)>()

for (first, second) in (&firsts, &seconds).iter() {
	// Do some stuff

We first check which has the shortest dense set. The SecondComponent sparse set does, so we begin iterating over its dense array.

The first entity ID is 1. Since we are iterating over SecondComponent, we already know that entity 1 has a SecondComponent; we just need to check if the entity has a FirstComponent. As described above, to check whether an entity has a component, we have to check if dense[sparse[id]] == id in the sparse set of the component. sparse[1] in SparseSet<FirstComponent> is uninitialised and so we know that entity 1 does not have a FirstComponent.

The next entity that contains a SecondComponent is 2. However, this time, sparse[2] in SparseSet<FirstComponent> is equal to 1 and dense[1] is equal to 2, which means that entity 2 has a FirstComponent meaning we can yield it in the iterator.

After iterating over all the items in the SecondComponent sparse set, we are done.


Removing is done by swap removing from both dense and data and updating sparse in consequence.

Continuing the previous example if we call:


The internal representation now looks like this:

sparse: [U, U, 0, 1]
dense: [2, 3]
data: [FirstComponent(5050), FirstComponent(958)]

dense and data shifted to the left, the first element in sparse is now uninitialised, and the indexes at sparse[2] and sparse[3] were updated.

Additional Resources

This blog post goes into more detail on sparse sets and compares them with archetypes, another common way of representing data in ECS libraries. The blog post is part of a larger series about the design and internals of ECS systems.


Cool patterns you may be interested in.

Building an Entity Hierarchy with Shipyard

Hierarchies are a very commonly used organizational structure in game development. An important example is a transform hierarchy: child entities move along with their parents.

How can we build such a hierarchy of entities in shipyard?

One method is to use a secondary data structure which represents the hierarchy.

But an ECS already has all the means to store data: components. So let's use them!

Below you won't find a ready-to-use solution, rather some hints on how to start with your own hierarchy implementation, tailored to your requirements.

Parents and Children

Think about the different roles an entity can take in a hierarchy. It can be:

  • a parent (root node),
  • a parent and a child (intermediate node),
  • a child (leaf node).

From this we can derive two simple, composable component types:

A Parent component stores the number of its children and the first child:

struct Parent {
    num_children: usize,
    first_child: EntityId,

A Child component links to its parent as well as neighbor siblings:

struct Child {
    parent: EntityId,
    prev: EntityId,
    next: EntityId,

As you can see, we simply store EntityIds to refer to other entities inside a component.

Note that Options are completely avoided by making the sibling chain circular:

  • Last child's next points to the first child.
  • First child's prev points to the last child.

Our entire hierarchy structure resides only in Parent and Child components – nice!

But it'd be a hassle to create them manually each time you want to insert an entity into the tree.

Let's make it convenient

We begin with two useful methods in a trait declaration:

trait Hierarchy {
    // Removes the child status of an entity.
    fn detach(&mut self, id: EntityId);

    // Attaches an entity as a child to a given parent entity.
    fn attach(&mut self, id: EntityId, parent: EntityId);

With these, you'll be able to not only insert new entities into the tree but also move a whole subtree – a child with all its descendants – to another parent.

Since we need access to EntitiesViewMut as well as our hierarchy component storages, we implement the Hierarchy trait for the type (EntitiesViewMut<'_>, ViewMut<'_, Parent>, ViewMut<'_, Child>).

fn detach(&mut self, id: EntityId) {
    let (_, parents, children) = self;
    // remove the Child component - if nonexistent, do nothing
    if let Some(child) = children.remove(id) {
        // retrieve and update Parent component from ancestor
        let parent = &mut parents[child.parent];
        parent.num_children -= 1;

        if parent.num_children == 0 {
            // if the number of children is zero, the Parent component must be removed
        } else {
            // the ancestor still has children, and we have to change some linking
            // check if we have to change first_child
            if parent.first_child == id {
                parent.first_child = child.next;
            // remove the detached child from the sibling chain
            children[child.prev].next = child.next;
            children[child.next].prev = child.prev;

Before we move on to attach, let's make some observations.

We use indexing on parents and children but if the entity doesn't have the component it'll unwrap.

We don't have to worry as long as we only use the methods in our Hierarchy trait.

If you accidentally delete hierarchy components in other places without changing the linking, things will go fatally wrong. If you want to catch these errors you might want to use get and handle the error (for example with expect).

attach looks like this:

fn attach(&mut self, id: EntityId, parent: EntityId) {
    // the entity we want to attach might already be attached to another parent

    let (entities, parents, children) = self;

    // either the designated parent already has a Parent component – and thus one or more children
    if let Ok(mut p) = parents.get(parent) {
        // increase the parent's children counter
        p.num_children += 1;

        // get the ids of the new previous and next siblings of our new child
        let prev = children[p.first_child].prev;
        let next = p.first_child;

        // change the linking
        children[prev].next = id;
        children[next].prev = id;

        // add the Child component to the new entity
        entities.add_component(id, children, Child { parent, prev, next });
    } else {
        // in this case our designated parent is missing a Parent component
        // we don't need to change any links, just insert both components
            Child {
                prev: id,
                next: id,
            Parent {
                num_children: 1,
                first_child: id,

We can now add another handy method to our trait:

fn attach_new(&mut self, parent: EntityId) -> EntityId {
    let id = self.0.add_entity((), ());
    self.attach(id, parent);

And lastly a simple usage example:

let world = World::new();

let mut hierarchy = world
    .borrow::<(EntitiesViewMut, ViewMut<Parent>, ViewMut<Child>)>()

let root1 = hierarchy.0.add_entity((), ());
let root2 = hierarchy.0.add_entity((), ());

let e1 = hierarchy.attach_new(root1);
let _e2 = hierarchy.attach_new(e1);
let e3 = hierarchy.attach_new(e1);
let _e4 = hierarchy.attach_new(e3);

hierarchy.attach(e3, root2);

Traversing the hierarchy

There are different ways the hierarchy can be queried.

For example, we may want to know the parent of a given entity. Doing this is simply done by inspecting its child component - if there is one.

However, sometimes you might need

  • all children,
  • all ancestors,
  • or all descendants of a given entity.

A perfect use case for iterators! An iterator has to implement the next method from the Iterator trait.

We start with a ChildrenIter, which is pretty straightforward:

struct ChildrenIter<C> {
    get_child: C,
    cursor: (EntityId, usize),

impl<'a, C> Iterator for ChildrenIter<C>
    C: Get<Out = &'a Child> + Copy,
    type Item = EntityId;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        if self.cursor.1 > 0 {
            self.cursor.1 -= 1;
            let ret = self.cursor.0;
            self.cursor.0 = self.get_child.get(self.cursor.0).unwrap().next;
        } else {

Note that we don't implement Iterator for ViewMut<Child> directly, but for a type that implements the GetComponent trait. This way, our iterator can be used with View as well as ViewMut.

The next one is the AncestorIter:

struct AncestorIter<C> {
    get_child: C,
    cursor: EntityId,

impl<'a, C> Iterator for AncestorIter<C>
    C: Get<Out = &'a Child> + Copy,
    type Item = EntityId;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        self.get_child.get(self.cursor).ok().map(|child| {
            self.cursor = child.parent;


DescendantIter will be a bit more complicated. We choose to implement a depth-first variant using recursion.

It is based on the code for the ChildrenIter but comes with an additional stack to keep track of the current level the cursor is in:

  • Push a new level to the stack if we encounter a Parent component.
  • Pop the last level from the stack whenever we run out of siblings, then carry on where we left off.
struct DescendantsIter<P, C> {
    get_parent: P,
    get_child: C,
    cursors: Vec<(EntityId, usize)>,

impl<'a, P, C> Iterator for DescendantsIter<P, C>
    P: Get<Out = &'a Parent> + Copy,
    C: Get<Out = &'a Child> + Copy,
    type Item = EntityId;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        if let Some(cursor) = self.cursors.last_mut() {
            if cursor.1 > 0 {
                cursor.1 -= 1;
                let ret = cursor.0;
                cursor.0 = self.get_child.get(cursor.0).unwrap().next;
                if let Ok(parent) = self.get_parent.get(ret) {
                    self.cursors.push((parent.first_child, parent.num_children));
            } else {
        } else {

What we still need to do is to implement a simple trait with methods that return nicely initialized *Iter structs for us:

trait HierarchyIter<'a, P, C> {
    fn ancestors(&self, id: EntityId) -> AncestorIter<C>;
    fn children(&self, id: EntityId) -> ChildrenIter<C>;
    fn descendants(&self, id: EntityId) -> DescendantsIter<P, C>;

impl<'a, P, C> HierarchyIter<'a, P, C> for (P, C)
    P: Get<Out = &'a Parent> + Copy,
    C: Get<Out = &'a Child> + Copy,
    fn ancestors(&self, id: EntityId) -> AncestorIter<C> {
        let (_, children) = self;

        AncestorIter {
            get_child: *children,
            cursor: id,

    fn children(&self, id: EntityId) -> ChildrenIter<C> {
        let (parents, children) = self;

        ChildrenIter {
            get_child: *children,
            cursor: parents
                .map_or((id, 0), |parent| (parent.first_child, parent.num_children)),

    fn descendants(&self, id: EntityId) -> DescendantsIter<P, C> {
        let (parents, children) = self;

        DescendantsIter {
            get_parent: *parents,
            get_child: *children,
            cursors: parents.get(id).map_or_else(
                |_| Vec::new(),
                |parent| vec![(parent.first_child, parent.num_children)],

Cool. Let's extend the former usage example into a little test.

fn test_hierarchy() {
    let world = World::new();

    let mut hierarchy = world
        .borrow::<(EntitiesViewMut, ViewMut<Parent>, ViewMut<Child>)>()

    let root1 = hierarchy.0.add_entity((), ());
    let root2 = hierarchy.0.add_entity((), ());

    let e1 = hierarchy.attach_new(root1);
    let e2 = hierarchy.attach_new(e1);
    let e3 = hierarchy.attach_new(e1);
    let e4 = hierarchy.attach_new(e3);

    hierarchy.attach(e3, root2);

    let e5 = hierarchy.attach_new(e3);

    assert!((&hierarchy.1, &hierarchy.2)
        .eq([e4, e5].iter().cloned()));

    assert!((&hierarchy.1, &hierarchy.2)
        .eq([e3, root2].iter().cloned()));

    assert!((&hierarchy.1, &hierarchy.2)
        .eq([e1, e2].iter().cloned()));

    assert!((&hierarchy.1, &hierarchy.2)
        .eq([e3, e4, e5].iter().cloned()));

Removing entities from the hierarchy

Removing an entity from the hierarchy means removing its Parent and Child components.

To remove an entity's Child component, we can simply reuse detach. Removing its Parent component must be done with caution. This entity's children now become orphans – we have to detach them as well.

Both methods can be added to our Hierarchy trait:

fn remove(&mut self, id: EntityId) {

    let children = (&self.1, &self.2).children(id).collect::<Vec<_>>();
    for child_id in children {

A method that removes a whole subtree is easy to write by making use of recursion again:

fn remove_all(&mut self, id: EntityId) {
    let (_, parents, children) = self;

    for child_id in (&*parents, &*children).children(id).collect::<Vec<_>>() {

That's it! We can now add the following code to the end of our test from the last chapter:


assert!((&hierarchy.1, &hierarchy.2).descendants(root1).eq(None));
assert!((&hierarchy.1, &hierarchy.2).ancestors(e1).eq(None));
assert!((&hierarchy.1, &hierarchy.2)


assert!((&hierarchy.1, &hierarchy.2).children(e1).eq(None));


assert!((&hierarchy.1, &hierarchy.2).descendants(root2).eq(None));
assert!((&hierarchy.1, &hierarchy.2).descendants(e3).eq(None));
assert!((&hierarchy.1, &hierarchy.2).ancestors(e5).eq(None));


The order between siblings may or may not play a role in your project.

However, a simple sorting for children can be done in two steps:

  • Collect all children into a Vec and sort it.
  • Adjust the linking in the Child components according to the sorted list.

We can add this method to the Hierarchy trait:

fn sort_children_by<F>(&mut self, id: EntityId, compare: F)
    F: FnMut(&EntityId, &EntityId) -> std::cmp::Ordering,
    let (_, parents, children_storage) = self;

    let mut children = (&*parents, &*children_storage)
    if children.len() > 1 {
        // set first_child in Parent component
        parents[id].first_child = children[0];
        // loop through children and relink them
        for i in 0..children.len() - 1 {
            children_storage[children[i]].next = children[i + 1];
            children_storage[children[i + 1]].prev = children[i];
        children_storage[children[0]].prev = *children.last().unwrap();
        children_storage[*children.last().unwrap()].next = children[0];

Again a small test demonstrates the usage:

fn test_sorting() {
    let world = World::new();

    let (mut hierarchy, mut vm_pos) = world
            (EntitiesViewMut, ViewMut<Parent>, ViewMut<Child>),

    let root = hierarchy.0.add_entity((), ());

    let e0 = hierarchy.attach_new(root);
    let e1 = hierarchy.attach_new(root);
    let e2 = hierarchy.attach_new(root);
    let e3 = hierarchy.attach_new(root);
    let e4 = hierarchy.attach_new(root);

    hierarchy.0.add_component(e0, &mut vm_pos, Pos(7.0, 0.0));
    hierarchy.0.add_component(e1, &mut vm_pos, Pos(5.0, 0.0));
    hierarchy.0.add_component(e2, &mut vm_pos, Pos(6.0, 0.0));
    hierarchy.0.add_component(e3, &mut vm_pos, Pos(1.0, 0.0));
    hierarchy.0.add_component(e4, &mut vm_pos, Pos(3.0, 0.0));

    assert!((&hierarchy.1, &hierarchy.2)
        .eq([e0, e1, e2, e3, e4].iter().cloned()));

    hierarchy.sort_children_by(root, |a, b| {

    assert!((&hierarchy.1, &hierarchy.2)
        .eq([e3, e4, e1, e2, e0].iter().cloned()));

Do it yourself!

We recommend that you build your own hierarchy system fitted to your specific needs. In deviation of the above code examples you may want:

  • a single hierarchy component instead of two,
  • breadth-first instead of depth-first traversal,
  • different sorting methods,
  • etc.

Further reading

These notes are based on ideas presented in a highly recommended article by skypjack: ECS back and forth.

If you're working with Seed, @MartinKavik ported the bunny demo to it. You can find the source here.

0.4 comes with a few big changes, this chapter aims to facilitate the transition.


Let's start small, prelude and internal no longer exist, you just have to replace all shipyard::prelude and shipyard::internal by shipyard.


Following an issue opened by @cart, systems will become functions instead of an instance of the System trait.

To make this work, borrowing is now done with the actual types you get when you borrow a storage instead of using references.

In 0.3:

struct MySystem;
impl<'sys> System<'sys> for MySystem {
    type Data = (
        &mut usize,
    fn run((mut entities, mut usizes): <Self::Data as SystemData<'sys>>::View) {}

// or with the macro

fn run(mut entities: &mut Entities, mut usizes: &mut usize) {}

In 0.4:

fn my_system(mut entities: EntitiesViewMut, mut usizes: ViewMut<usize>) {}

This change also affects run and borrow.
World::run_system is no longer needed and you can run systems with run directly.


// and closures still work

world.run(|mut entities: EntitiesViewMut, mut usizes: ViewMut<usize>| {});

run has the same return type as the system or closure and it doesn't require any tuple most of the time.

Here's the complete list:

AllStorages / &mut AllStoragesAllStoragesViewMut
Entities / &EntitiesEntitiesView
EntitiesMut / &mut EntitiesEntitiesViewMut
&mut TViewMut<T>
ThreadPool / &ThreadPoolThreadPoolView
Unique<&mut T>UniqueViewMut<T>
NonSend<&mut T>NonSend<ViewMut<T>>
Unique<NonSend<&mut T>>NonSend<UniqueViewMut<T>>

NonSync and NonSendSync follow the same pattern as NonSend.


The system proc macro doesn't exist anymore. With the new system design the advantage it provides are not great enough to justify it.


The ugly

Workloads are the only one suffering a downgrade. You'll have to give all systems twice to the function plus a few things.

In 0.3:

world.add_workload<(Sys1, Sys2), _>("Workload1");

In 0.4:

        |world: &World| world.try_run(sys1),
        |world: &World| world.try_run(sys2),

// with a macro


⚠️ The two arguments are wrapped in a tuple.

This repetition will disappear someday but I don't expect it to be soon.
You don't have to use a closure, any function with &World as argument and returning Result<(), shipyard::error::Run> are valid.
It's very important to pass the same function twice, the workload might always error if this isn't the case.

The good

Workloads don't come with only a downgrade. You can now return errors from systems inside workloads.

struct TerribleError;

impl Display for TerribleError {
    fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), core::fmt::Error> {
        Debug::fmt(self, fmt)
impl Error for TerribleError {}

fn my_sys(mut entities: EntitiesViewMut) -> Result<(), TerribleError> {

fn main() {
    use shipyard::error::{Run, RunWorkload};

    let world = World::new();
        .add_workload("May fail")
            |world: &World| world.try_run(my_sys)?.map_err(Run::from_custom),
    match world.try_run_default().map_err(RunWorkload::custom_error) {
        Err(Some(error)) => {
        _ => {}

The error has to be anonymized so you'll get back a Box<dyn Error + Send> with std and a Box<dyn Any + Send> with no_std.
Workloads stop at the first error encountered, just like 0.3.
You can also use the try_system! macro the same way as system!.

    .add_workload("May fail")

It'll generate the same code as above.


You can now use std::iter::Iterator and for loop with views without having to call into_iter.
All iteration code from 0.3 will still work.

fn my_sys((mut usizes, u32s): (ViewMut<usize>, View<u32>)) {
    for (i, &j) in (&mut usizes, &u32s).iter() {
        *i += j as usize;


The GetComponent trait has been renamed Get.

What follows is only true for 0.4. 0.5 went back to get returning a Result.
Get::get has been renamed try_get and a new get method has been added to unwrap errors.

If you used get followed by unwrap, you can simply remove the unwrap.
If you used another error handling method you'll have to replace get by try_get.


dakom - David Komer