Welcome to Shipyard!

Shipyard is an Entity Component System focused on usability and flexibility.

ECS is a great way to organize logic and data:

  1. Elegant approach for humans
    • Composition over inheritance
    • Separation of concerns
    • Less burdened by lifetimes
  2. Optimal design for computers
    • Spatial locality
    • Less pointer chasing

However, programming with an ECS requires thinking about data and logic in a different way than you might be used to.

How does it work?

Components hold data. Entities are a group of components identified by an Id.

Systems do the heavy lifting: updating components, running side-effects, and integrating with other parts of the code.


You can either build a small game with shipyard's concepts showed as you encounter them.
Or go through a more packed format.

I want to build a small game
I prefer a packed format